Original topic:

Life. Unfolded #30DaysUnfoldChallenge #withGalaxy

(Topic created on: 10-31-2021 12:26 AM)
Active Level 8
Galaxy Gallery

📍 : Gunung Kidul, Jogja, Indonesia | Galaxy S10e

"Life is a magical journey, so travel endlessly to unfold its profound and heart touching beauty"

Unfold ( ən-ˈfōld ) means to open the folds, to expand, to make clear, to spread.

I love travelling, and that's how I let my life unfolds. 

Whether it be across city, across province, across country, or accross ocean, I've done it all.

You might think travelling is just a waste of money. But for me, travelling is one of life's greatest teachers.

📍 Jewel @ Changi Airport, Singapore | Galaxy S10e

It pulls me out of my comfort zone, and plunges me into the world of unknown.
It teaches me to embrace the unknown world.

You don't know the people,
You don't know the culture,
You don't understand the language they speak,

You may never know what you find along the way, but that's the beauty of travelling.

📍Taipei 101, Taipei, Taiwan | Galaxy S10e

It changes how I see the world,
treasuring things that I often take for granted - like watching sunrise. 
It makes me realise how small I am in this world.

📍 Bandung, Indonesia | Galaxy S10e

It makes me more open minded,
broadens my minds, and expands my wisdom.

📍Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan | Galaxy S10e

Travelling teaches me confidence, independence, and freedom.
It shows me that I'm capable of navigating difficult situations, and overcome it.

📍Fatahilah Square, Jakarta, Indonesia | S10e

It always inspire me, to try something new.
New country,
New culture,
New experience.

That's how I let my life, Unfolded.


All photos are taken #withGalaxy S10e

"Life is an endless journey. Make sure you unfold your own life stories"
Galaxy Gallery
Suka banget sama konsep thread dan videonya keren abis. Goodluck
Active Level 8
Galaxy Gallery
Thank youu masbrooo ☺️☺️
Galaxy Gallery
Fotonya ala ala cinematography....Keren ...fotonya seolah berbicara...sesuatu...Cool...👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Active Level 8
Galaxy Gallery
Thank you kakk ☺️
Galaxy Gallery
Mantap suka banget nih sama konsep nya. 😍
Active Level 8
Galaxy Gallery
Terima kasih banyakk bang ! 😁
Expert Level 5
Galaxy Gallery
Wow keren banget🤩
Goodluck ya kak
Active Level 8
Galaxy Gallery
Thank youu kakk ☺️
Expert Level 5
Galaxy Gallery
U're welcome kakak.
Semangat berkarya kak