Original topic:

Samsung really garbage

(Topic created on: 09-06-2022 04:16 PM)
Active Level 1
Galaxy Note
1400$ for a phone hahahaha
No honestly I have note 9 
And this phone fell into water I toke it out the next I was taking piture I noticed it's blurred I toke a look at back I saw water in camera,
Ok I went to Samsung sevice Senter I showed the phone and I explained that my phone fell in water ant now there is water in the phone, you know what they said to me they said it is water damage and it is not cover by Samsung warranty, we don't fix your phone under warranty, if you want to be repaire I have to pay.
Ok people, if you go to Samsung website it says the phone is water resistant up to one and half meter
While my phone fell only into sink . You see how misleading is Samsung. And they expect us to buy their garbage for 1200$ to 1400$, really hahaha
I'm done with Samsung...... No more Samsung products.  

This Tex is from Samsung website
Submerged for 30 minutes and still works For most phones, water is Kryptonite. But after being i n 1 .5 meters of water, the Ga laxy N ote9 a nd S Pe n can keep going. They're sealed from the inside out forthe highest rating you can getwhen it comes to protecting your phone from dust and water: IP68.
Active Level 4
Galaxy Note
Hard luck, but your fault is not their responsibility. Learn to live with your own mistakes, instead of trying to blame others. $1,400 or $100 phone, doesn't change the fact that you dropped it. All factory warranties only cover factory defects, not user errors.
Active Level 1
Galaxy Note
ohh you saw me dropped it?
look at your judgement,wowwww
Active Level 1
Galaxy Note
I mean you saw me I dropped it*
Active Level 4
Galaxy Note
No, it magically got up and walked into the water.
Active Level 10
Galaxy Note

"And this phone fell into water" - faqir2112


If it fell in water, how did it fall? what were the circumstances?  Either way, you are ultimately responsible for your property.  Whether you carelessly left it near water, or you accidentally dropped it, this isn't something Samsung should take responsibility for.


Grow up, take responsibility for your actions, and suffer the consequences of them.  I dropped a phone in my cat's water dish once, guess what, it was my fault.  My phone fell on my multi-effects pedal and shattered the camera glass because I placed it down in an precarious area, guess what, it was my fault.   But you know the difference between you and I here,  I paid for insurance for my device.  Do you have an insurance plan for your device?  If not, you should maybe look into that before spending $1,400 on a device.

Active Level 1
Galaxy Note
Submerged for 30
minutes and still
For most phones, water is
Kryptonite. But after being
i n 1 .5 meters of water, the
Ga laxy N ote9 a nd S Pe n
can keep going.
Active Level 1
Galaxy Note
this is from Samsung website
you can check it yourself
Active Level 1
Galaxy Note
Submerged for 30
minutes and still
For most phones, water is
Kryptonite. But after being
i n 1 .5 meters of water, the
Ga laxy N ote9 a nd S Pe n
can keep going. They're
sealed from the inside out
forthe highest rating you
can getwhen it comes to
protecting your phone from
dust and water: IP68.lo
Beginner Level 2
Galaxy Note

You samsung people are stupid **bleep** don't ever give me a samsung phones I'm gonna cancel it and ... stop giving samsung cause I will report samsung to Korea 🇰🇷 tell them how stupid samsung and Korea are garbage I'm **bleep** down with samsung **bleep** samsung **bleep** me up with their peice of **bleep** phones 

Beginner Level 2
Galaxy Note
Yes Samsung products are low grade and are worth **bleep** at $1600 a shot on any device they sell mostly their phones especially when they send corrupt updates for the product so hoping you buy new at much higher costs.