Original topic:

Tab S7+ Can't launch recovery mode

(Topic created on: 02-08-2021 06:34 PM)
Active Level 9
Looking to clear the cache partition for regular hygiene. Can't for the life of me get this device into recovery mode.

The hard keys all work. I can get it into Safe mode with pwr+volume down on boot... no joy on pwr+vol up on boot.

Anyone know what gives? It just goes through the regular boot up process.

It's updated with latest 3.1

Beginner Level 2

My S7 FE is the same way-  will NOT boot to recovery or safe mode!

I recently returned a S6 tab for the same reason.  Android 11 and UI 3.1

Expert Level 2

@Fatwa    I also can't get my Tab S7+ into recovery to wipe cache but everything is working normally since the update so haven't been too worried about it.

Something must have got changed in the update so that the button combination that worked before doesn't work anymore

I figured if I had problems I would reset but have seen no reason to do that even

Active Level 9
Valuable feedback thanks. Might be fine today, but I'm a little concerned about the future by not having these utilities.

Samsung should confirm this is a bug. I might return this tablet within my first 14days, as I don't want the future risk on a $1300 tablet.
Expert Level 2

Your call on returning the tablet but I don't think this little glitch is anything to return the tablet for.

Samsung can likely fix the problem in a future update or somebody will come up with a way around it but I tried everything I could think of and couldn't get it to work.

Maybe Samsung isn't even aware of the problem as this is the first post that I have seen about it so far

Active Level 9
I opened a chat support on this. The Samsung rep advised this is not a known issue, but that she could help.

We walked through all the basic steps to no success.

Since it's not a known issue, they suspect the device is faulty, and advised me to return it at placed purchased for another OR mail it in to their repair center.

I did advise this issue has been duplicated by another Samsung member, and requested she escalate to a Dev team to try it on one of their house copies. As it is not a known issue, they were unable to escalate.

Seems like they aren't taking it very seriously. I'm not sure what constitutes a known issue.

You might want to report it in. I can imagine that not many people own this device. In addition, likely a very small fraction of those owners actually attempt to boot into recovery mode since 3.1. Might be a while before they get it patched.

I'm still in the 14 day window, so I'll be returning mine. I don't want to be without a recovery mode, and wiping the cache is routine maintenance for my heavy usage.

Nice tablet though. Maybe by the time it's fixed, I can picked one up for a few hundred bucks cheaper.... or maybe the S8 will be out by then.

Send me a note or post to the forum if/when it gets resolved.

Thanks for your help.
Active Level 10
quote: "Since it's not a known issue, they suspect the device is faulty, and advised me to return it at placed purchased for another OR mail it in to their repair center."

this is typical of samsung support, it's embarassing.

mediocrity is not an exception or a mishap; it is the norm.

samsung support lacks the most basic process flow.

feedback, crm, ticket numbers, escalation, case resolution and root cause analysis are alien concepts to samsung.

there is no commitment, no ownership, no professionalism.

where is the support manager?

also, the word 'expert' has lost its original meaning.
Beginner Level 3

Yep I have the same problem


Expert Level 2
It did work the way it is supposed to before the update to 3.1 because I did it once after the last update and everything worked fine but seems to be no way now so I really don't think it is your tablet that is the problem.
I have never had to deal with Samsung support but have seen lots of horror stories on here.
I have had tablet since just about the day they were released so no returning mine unless for warranty
Active Level 9
Up to you, apparently I'm the first to report it, so If you don't speak up, how are they going to fix it?
Expert Level 2
@Fatwa I went to interactive checks in Samsung members and doing checks on the volume up and volume down buttons it shows as there being a problem with them but they do work properly for changing the volume when playing music.
I forwarded an error report to Samsung through Samsung members so we will see if they respond