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Anyone used Samsung Care plus?

(Topic created on: 12-02-2024 08:33 AM)
Active Level 10
Galaxy S
Just curious if anyone has used this service and how woukd you rate it? I may have to send my phone in but I might fix it myself. Just looking for feedback thanks.
Galaxy S

Hi SgtStubby,

Samsung Care+ is a Premium Protection from physical malfunction and liquid resistance failure. It significantly reduces the cost of repairs for screen damage, water damage, or other issues. It ensures high-quality parts and certified technicians. 

If you're confident with repairs, fixing it by yourself there is a risk of damaging the phone further, especially with delicate parts like the screen or battery but Samsung Care+ provides reassurance and professional service.

Thank you.

Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

Pretty sure that you need to have purchased Samsung care when you get a new phone, or within a specific number of days.

You definitely can't get it for a device that already needs service. 

Active Level 10
Galaxy S
I have it but the minimum service fee plus all the time i will have to spend making my phone the same because they want it wiped out before shipping.
I just want to see what i can expect as far as service. If its a nightmare or if they decide to keep my device and supply a inferior substitute i dont want to live through a nightmare like that.
Active Level 10
Galaxy S
$139 and then a service fee of $129. You also pay for shipping. This for just an extra year of warranty. Maximum of two issues for that extra year. And there are unknowns like how long it takes them to fix the problem, whether they'll actually fix your phone or give you another used phone, and the biggest unknown is whether they will fix the problem as Samsung is in the business of denying claims.

You can probably fix a lot of problems yourself. Lots of how-to instructions and videos on then the Internet.
Active Level 10
Galaxy S
Ya i have a 1tb model and I am afraid some tech will see that and decide the phone is not repairable because he wants it and then they substitute a beat up 512gb pink one cause that's all they got.
Active Level 10
Galaxy S
I don't really want to say. It's simple repair but honestly I am afraid to send it in. I have the skill to do it but it woukd be nice to be worry free to just send it in
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

Are you located near a Samsung Service Centre?

You could always get an opinion on what is involved in the repair, and ask directly if they would repair & return YOUR phone, or a refurbished one? 

There may be other reputable mobile phone repair places closer to you, and it wouldn't hurt to get their opinion? 

Active Level 10
Galaxy S
Active Level 10
Galaxy S
The biggest cause of my distrust with assurant is when I traded in my last phone and they bald faced lied about the condition. Then refused to provide evidence of the deficiency they claimed. Just a big scam. After I bought the Care + I was told there woukd be a fee for every repair and that was not the case whwn I purchased it. They are not honest at all in my opinion