Original topic:

OneUI4 required fixes almost a week into software.

(Topic created on: 12-08-2021 08:36 PM)
Active Level 5
Galaxy S
SAMSUNG S21 Ultra 5G 512GB Storage 16GB DDR5 RAM

Full Disclosure: I've been on OneUI a day or two before the release, because I work in the testing environment of a carrier. We have been testing minimum 5 different S21 Ultras and these are some of the big issues we have found thus far. 

Seems like the time from a lower charge to a full charge takes longer than 3.1 R30. A PD 65W Charger with the Samsung in box cable renders a full charge from dead in approx 1 hour 45 mins. The power bounces significantly between 1000mAh and 3100mAh, and in the last 5% goes to around 500mah, no matter the battery setting or charge setting. All fast, superfast charge options engaged, adaptive battery on or off, we have used probably 50 brand new USBC cables on multiple outlets, the behaviour remains.

*Expert RAW (new RAW camera for all 4 back lenses is extensively buggy and crashes a lot when processing shots with 3rd and 4th lenses.)

*Unable to access the Accessibility Menu in settings. We have discovered a way to get there via activity launcher, however the menu should work, and it does not.

*In the last 7 days, One UI had used almost 6% of total battery usage.

*Chrome Beta continues opening even when restricted, if left for extended period of time. I've forced it closed and shut, and it has still consumed over 33%, of battery over L7D.

*Boot time might be longer than before. This shouldn't happen considering this device has 16 GB physical and 4 GB pagesys RAM.

*Device care and Galaxy booster don't affect the processing speed.

*We haven't found any processing enhancements between "High" and "Maximum".

*It's possible notifications aren't coming in timely, or at all.

*The Google Home app went an entire week before updating, so it didn't crash consistently on the Ultra after opening a speaker group.

Not sure if I'm missing anything here or not, anyone had the same problems? I haven't even gotten into some of the major concerns we had with Android Auto, e.g. launch, and immediately crash and reopen, random crashes, assistant hanging in full 5G area, and the double prompt when responding to the assistant. EG driving, tell it to send a text, and it will say ok who, *DING DING* and repeat the double ding constantly after responding to anything. Not to mention if it produces incorrect verbatim when sending a message, it occasionally says read to send it and boom, without even a response, ok, it's sent.

This can lead to extremely embarrassingly texts.

Oh, we are experiencing an issue, when you connect to a Bluetooth earphones, and for example are listening to a read aloud page on Google Chrome or word, whatever it is, when you disconnect the Bluetooth connection, suddenly a music service begins playing through the speaker. 😆

Galaxy store shows black screen when searching apps as well. 
Galaxy S
Finally got the One UI 4 Update Monday but my Gallery automatic updates for remasters weren't saving so I did a factory reset ~ the interface is presenting now as Samsung configured but the Gallery bugs persist ~ not seeing the December update scheduled yet to hopefully correct this annoyance (also getting the already copied to clipboard redundant pop ups when copying headlines to posts on social media platforms).....the One UI 4 is stunning but these bugs are making complete satisfaction elusive
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
A lot of my updates won't update for example my google chrome won't update or apps like YouTube
Active Level 5
Galaxy S
@Samsung if Chrome isn't updating, this is a CVE and it requires an immediate patch.
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
These are the apps that aren't updating but thank you for the info Screenshot_20211209-111742_Google Play Store.jpg
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

While a Factory Reset won't fix any issues that are built-in to the Firmware, a Factory Reset can certainly help with other issues.

Anyway, here's a link to Piunikaweb's site with additional information & a link to Samsung specific information. 

Bugs are to be expected with a new Android version, in spite of Betas. 






Active Level 5
Galaxy S
Sorry, but that website is absolutely terrible. Someone can forward the initial post to the author if you would like these bugs.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

If you have a link to a better site, please share it. 

Active Level 5
Galaxy S
No, I don't. This is why I posted it here.

Any website that has excessive advertising between paragraphs, I just have a hard time dealing with and they have issues with content loading.

This phone is blocked from seeing any advertising at the network level, all ad domains, or variants of don't get a DNS query resolved when data transmission is on going, so it's almost all Page Not Found banners taking up about 75% of the total post load scroll.

Without seeing the ads, it is sometimes questionable what the actual focus of some of those websites are built for.

Is it already known information? Or is it relevant information? Or is it revenue. Not picking on that site particularly but I think you know what I mean.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

The link that I posted, doesn't have a single advertisement on that page, except at the very bottom, and it's hardly what I would call "advertising".

Anyway, it's some information. 

