Original topic:

Feedback for Samsung Notes

(Topic created on: 06-13-2023 08:08 PM)
Beginner Level 3

I'm not sure if there's a better suited or dedicated place where I can post feedback for the Samsung Notes App, but regardless I hope I can post some ideas here and still have it be seen by the Samsung staff. 

Below are some features I would love to see implemented into Samsung Notes and I thank you for reading them:


Editable Tables

Tables are crucial for anyone who wish to compare certian data in their notes while also keeping related information adjacent to each other no matter how long their text becomes. As the ability to use tables is common in many other note taking apps like OneNote and Google Docs it feels like a oversight to have it not be apart of Samsung Notes.


Ability to Create and Re-use Custom Text Styles

I often use headings and subheading in my notes to help organize lengthy amounts of information and being able to quickly format text that I select to be a heading with a predetermined style would save me time and help keep the style of the headings consistent across all my notes.


Ability to Anchor Pen Mode Inkings/Drawings to Text

Currently, there's no way to keep pen mode inkings anchored to text so when more text is added to earlier parts of my notes the inkings fail to shift with the rest of the text and become misaligned.  Not being able to somehow keep the inkings connected to certian text also makes it very difficult to annotate and write notes ontop or besides the text and discourages me from even using the pen mode.

The only workaround I have right now is to create drawings using the Insert menu's "drawing" option which allows me to create editable images that can be anchored to the flow of text but can't be drawn on top of existing text.

I do love though that I'm able to draw very detailed and editable images using all the brushes and more that the Insert Drawing Option provides. It's like having a painting or art creation app within a note taking app and it's fantastic for creating concept art that goes along with my notes for stories and more. It's a feature that most note taking apps do not have or fail to be as robust and I hope it always stays apart of Samsung Notes.



Hi, we will consider it as valuable feedback. We will forward it to the appropriate team for review.

Samsung always appreciates customers who take their time out to give us their valuable feedback and suggestions.

Beginner Level 2

Hi, I have some feeback for samsung notes after using the app as a student for close to 3 years on a samsung tab with spen :)


1) It would be very useful to have a option to be able to switch betweeen different notes using tabs, so selected notes each have a tab to switch between. This is useful when material from 2 or more passages (so 2 or more different notes) is being covered. For example both onenote(by microsoft) and goodnotes have this switching between tabs feature.

2) The ability to rotate pages. This is useful when I create a mindmap in one way, but eventually decide that viewing the mindmap in the opposite horizontal way would be better (due to how flip cases have their stand positioned).

3) When using the lasso tool on handwritten text, make it possible to rotate the lassoed handwritten text. Currently the straighten text function does not work too well and is unable to make slanted  handwritten text straight. It would also be better to include more flexibility to be able to rotate handwritten text in any angle I want when making study notes.



Beginner Level 4

I too like Samsung notes. My biggest issue is with selecting pen colours. It's just too hard and unintuitive.


Beginner Level 2

Samsung Notes is a very good app. However, I think the biggest thing it should have that it doesn't yet is Internal Links. They could be implemented to allow notes to be linked to each other, and perhaps external links could be made easier to use. Maybe long pressing a link could allow you to edit the link.

Beginner Level 2

Also, there should be a Windows app for PCs other than Samsung models that can sync between a PC and Android devices. And maybe there could also be support for Apple devices, on iOS and on Macs.

Beginner Level 2

The latest iteration of Samsung Notes is really good - I especially like the summarise feature. BUT what is the point of it? I can no longer save my notes to use on another device. Samsung Notes is compatible with ... well, nothing!

Samsung Notes is a shark in it' eco system, sadly its eco system is a tiny puddle of Samsung Devices. Instead of being a go-to word processor for my S24 it's a dead-end. 

Is this a case of brilliant software writers who really ought to get out into the real world a bit more. Connectedness is everything today - even Apple are bowing to that  - but not Samsung. And maybe that is the issue Samsung doesn't have a big world mentality. It can see beyond it's own corporate identity, and anything beyond that doesn't exist. 

I challenge them to have the courage that their software is great, and let it run amongst the big players. Go and read Jonathan Livingstone Seagull. It might teach you something really important.