Original topic:

dbrand's at SES Toronto

(Topic created on: 02-08-2020 01:06 PM)
Expert Level 5
Samsung Canada is notorious for providing very very few colours to Canadians. While you could make a rainbow with the different S10 colours available worldwide, Samsung decided we're better living in black and white. Oh, and there's blue if you buy if online or at a SES, which means it's inaccessible to most people in Canada who buy their phones on a contract. So yeah, monochrome for no reason. It's not just the S10 but all models since the S7.

So while you mourn the lack of your favourite colour in Canada, you can also resign yourself to personalize your device with skins. dbrand's the reference for this. And now, instead of ordering online and attempting to do it right and failing miserably, you can now go to the flagship SES at Eaton Centre (no, not in Montreal, the one in Toronto), see the skins with your very own eyed and have the salespeople install it for you, for free too.

No word on an eventual expansion to other SES or in other stores or countries. But the only rule in business is to do it if it's profitable. Chances are that if this integration works, you'll see dbrand products at a store near you, but maybe with a markup (stores always get a cut, see)

Expert Level 5
I don't either. 90% for Montreal??? What the blazes is this? We have an incomplete highway system, too few North/South roads, too low capacity East/West roads, regular massive traffic jams, expensive on-road parking...

And I figured that since Alberta is heavily reliant on their oil and gas industry for their economy (and was never wise enough to use the cash from it to develop other industries, y'know, in case anything happens to your only source of prosperity), everyone would be extremely touchy on the subject. Likewise anyone here speaking good about any other manufacturer is likely to get a few rebuttals, be it politely or "flamely"
Active Level 7
looks some someone bribed the authors of that report. Also yes,the main issue here are the conservatives. They refuse to accept that oil is not in its boom anymore and the government needs to start investing in sustainable sources of energy. I'm sure you already know this as you're quite knowledgeable. I'm studied engineering, and studied quite closely with renewable energy. Alberta, is the best region to start shifting to solar power, as the cities here get the most sun. Its embarrassing how behind Canada is amongst third world countries in terms of solar energy. I can go so deep into this topic, but yet again, I'm sure you're fully aware.
Active Level 7
However, on a good note, Solar Canaca and other private investors are learning the benefits of investing in Alberta. Hopefully by 2030, we should see major sustainable projects around Canada
Expert Level 5
Yes I have heard of the UCP's "feats" on the matter. Their most enjoyable "expedenture" to that end is the 30M$ "war room" on "Canadian energy". Their Twitter account is quite the riot, you should check it out, along with their excellent parody, the Alberta Oil&Gas Center.

It's a shame that they're acting like ostriches and block their ears with money instead of fully embracing their true, renewable potential. Here we have a massive hydroelectricity system providing renewable energy, very well paid jobs, massive dividends to the government, full electricity independence and excess energy to export. If Alberta was to seize this opportunity...

Good luck to Solar Canaca. If they succeed, they could convince the population and the government that yes, renewables are the future of the province.

But by all means, don't hesitate to share more knowledge about this topic. While I've got some basic knowledge, I am far from having fully studied the subject.
Active Level 7
*acting like ostriches*. Could not have said it better. The *war room* is such a joke. 30M spent to establish propaganda against environmentalists. It gets worse in Ontario. Ford government is spending 231M$ to cancel renewable energy projects. This is extremely dumb as Ontario is growing at a rapid rate and electrical demand is every rising. With no renewable energy to help with the ever growing demand KW, electrical costs are going to be directly perpendicular alongside demand. I hope the right people lead us into the future. I personally want to study energy engineering (renewable energy) to help Canada/Canadians establish a sustainable future. However, even with all the budget cuts to renewable energy, there are alot of private investors and government expenditures we dont see. I suppose it's to prevent public outcry. Nice to see Ontario embracing hydro energy and nuclear energy.

source for budget cut : https://toronto.citynews.ca/2019/11/19/ford-government-spending-231m-to-cancel-renewable-energy-proj...
Expert Level 5
Ouch. I know the Ford government wants to solve Ontario's deficit, but that's just forwarding the bill to the population and a severe lack of long-term thinking. But otherwise yes Ontario has Ontario Power Generation and nuclear plants which puts them in a favorable position still. We used to have an experimental nuclear power plant too (Bécancour) but we gave it up.

We need more people like you for our future. I want to study urbanism, transportation engineering and green technology as it's probably the best I could do to help. I'm no politician to try otherwise.
Active Level 7
That sounds like a future proof career. With population growth, everything you want go study would come to good use. Smart thinking.
Expert Level 5
Heh, thanks. I'm just fed up at looking at maps and thinking "why on earth did they do that?" And I find myself playing Cities Skylines for an illegal amount of time (if you check the first link I gave, that's a map of the current city I'm working on...) so often I figured it was a natural decision. But instead of doing it for fun I'd do it for real and working on new solutions that plague us. I might even open a consulting firm on the subject so that I could apply this new knowledge to more than a single city. Or work at an university which also do that (you can often read professors of universities voice their concerns, share ideas and even directly propose full solutions in collaboration with their students and other departments of the university, which makes it interesting too). Possibilities are unlimited at this point and that's a good thing.
Active Level 7
I wish you a great success. I hope you use your talent in establishing a well organized city or retrofitting a current one. Canada has alot of unused, open space.
Active Level 7
I anyways use slickwraps, they provide more variety.