Original topic:

Scotiabank Blocked MST due to New Visa policy

(Topic created on: 07-20-2020 09:35 PM)
Active Level 1
Samsung Pay
I have been trying to use Samsung Pay where Tap is not accepted (eg Walmart in Canada). Every time I use MST via Samsung Pay using Visa or Amex cards, transactions are declined. If I use Samsung Pay where tap is accepted,  it is authorized as it uses NFC. 
Weirdly, this happens only with Scotiabank cards! I used CIBC Visa via MST, worked like a charm.
I contacted scotiabank and they said that according to new Visa policy,  banks are supposed to block all Magnetic Strip transactions in USA and Canada if Chip insert option is available at Terminal. Does that mean an end of Samsung Pay's proprietary technology once all banks apply this new Visa policy?
Has anyone successfully used Scotiabank cards via MST at any Terminal in Canada?
Expert Level 2
Samsung Pay
just a update I used Samsung pay at Walmart (MST) using cibc visa, so still works so far, thank God

if they are eventually getting rid of MST then Samsung pay needs to bring Samsung rewards to Canada, as they lost the edge against using Samsung pay or google pay. both are pretty much the same now once MST officially stops
Active Level 6
Samsung Pay
Goods news. Hopefully Mst sticks around. I think Visa and Mc should allow swiped only if it is tokenkized by an authorized 3rd party app and decline any other swiped transactions due to the chip liability shift.
Beginner Level 2
Samsung Pay

I just found this thread after having Samsung Pay declined at Wal-Mart. I made sure to turn off NFC so it would use MST but the message on the receipt was "Card issue denied the charge", and then I arrived at this thead.


I'm really disappointed in Scotia, I literally got their cashback Visa for Samsung Pay / MST usage, so I wouldn't have to carry credit cards anymore and it failed immediately while other banks work.


Oh well, I'm going to finish getting my bonus cashback and then ditch the card.