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Video capture ...Tips and tricks to make great photos

(Topic created on: 03-29-2023 06:47 PM)
Expert Level 5
Galaxy Gallery

Saviez-vous que vous pouvez faire des captures photos à partir vos vidéos ? 😍

Did you know that you can extract photos directly from your video ?

At the right you can see the bird when flying to get  the food in my hand ...Video capture can FREEZE the bird in the air.At the right you can see the bird when flying to get the food in my hand ...Video capture can FREEZE the bird in the air.

Ce genre de photos est très difficile à réussir en photographie alors pourquoi ne pas profiter de ce que nous offre Samsung avec la capture video ? Tout ce que bous avez à faire, c'est de mettre la vidéo sur PAUSE et d'avancer celle-ci image par image jusqu'à ce que vous soyez satisfait de l'image et pour la capturer, pesez sur l'icône CAPTURE

Rhis kind of pictures is really hard to make in photography...so why don't you profite of one technique offert by Samsung ? Video Capture is easy and make greats photos...It's a great feature...To know how to do it, look at the following printscreen and Enjoy. (1-Put the video on PAUSE and with your finger move it image by image until you're satisfied  2 PRESS on the capture video icon to get your photo...That's simple and it make greats photos...



I love this oneI love this one


Isn't it a beautifil capture ?

Here is another one with peanuts...



I really love this way of taking photographies without issues of  Rolling Shutter like my Canon R7 is doing...


Expert Level 3
Galaxy Gallery
Très belles photos. Thanks for sharing this tip, although i already knew about this, i never think of using it. It obviously gives very nice results!
Expert Level 5
Galaxy Gallery


Imagine tout ce que tu eux faire avec cette fonction de vidéo capture, tu peux faire des photos rivalisant avec les meilleurs photographes d'Instagram et ce sans que personne ne le sache....et grâce à cette fonction, je fais de moins en moins de photos en rafales sur mes appareils Canon...Je préfère utiliser mon S23 Ultra et tricher un peu...ça ne fait de mal à personne et je suis davantage satisfait des photos...

De cette façon, je n'ai plus à me battre pour avoir la vitesse idéale en photographie animalière sur l'appareil photo

Imagine everything you can do with this video capture function, you can take photos rivaling the best Instagram photographers without anyone knowing....and thanks to this function, I do less and less burst photos on my Canon cameras...I prefer to use my S23 Ultra and cheat a little...it doesn't hurt anyone and I'm more satisfied with the photos...

This way I no longer have to struggle to get the perfect wildlife photography speed on the camera.


Active Level 6
Galaxy Gallery
Superbes photos!!!! (Captures... pardon 😉)
Active Level 10
Galaxy Gallery
Wow that 3rd picture with the bird in action is 🔥. Nice pictures and advice.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy Gallery

To see all pictures,  please open this link in your favorite browser : 



I have now a lot of those kind of pictures because it's the easiest way to get famous pictures of birds when they are flying or in your hand ...I can see a lot of details now with this METHOD..







I think that @Iflysolo will use this trick with her dogs...🙄

Personnaly, i'm really happy about it..

@jgg Merci pour le compliment...

Active Level 10
Galaxy Gallery
Wow these are amazing, beautiful pictures keep on sharing.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy Gallery


It's always fun to take pictures of the bird when he is flying but it's a lot more difficult ...





Community Manager
Galaxy Gallery

This is a great tip! I love the photos as well. Thank you for sharing!

Expert Level 5
Galaxy Gallery
That's very beautiful. I must try!