Original topic:

Gallery pics randomly going missing S23 ultra

(Topic created on: 02-28-2024 10:47 PM)
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Help! I cannot figure out what is happening with my gallery photos on my Samsung s23 ultra. 
My pictures are just randomly going missing they're not in the trash, I haven't deleted them, they're not in hidden folders I have tried searching, youtubing..
 I cannot figure out where the pictures are going and I thought I was mistaken a few times looking for specific pictures but I have items listed for sale on Marketplace with pictures that are no longer there I have business prices and policy sheets that are no longer in my gallery which I send to prospective new clients..no longer there..
 I just can't figure out where these pictures are going I need help in trying to figure out where they've gone and recover them and to prevent this from happening again I need to know how and why it's happening. 
I've got pictures of my kids and my animals- important pictures I don't want to lose and I don't know how many of already been lost.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

If you are Syncing your photos to One Drive, Google Drive or some Cloud storage, you need to be careful, as if you delete photos from your Cloud Storage, when it Syncs with your device, it may well delete the photos from your device as well.

It sounds counterintuitive to what most people would reasonably think about using Cloud Storage to backup your photos.. 

I don't use Samsung's Gallery as my Gallery, I use F-Stop Gallery Pro, and I have never lost any of my photos.. 

"OneDrive uses two-way sync to sync files between OneDrive and the devices, so if you delete files from OneDrive, these files will be also deleted on the connected devices, like Windows computer, Mac, Android, iPhone/iPad, etc." 

Here's a link that should explain it better than me.. 




Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Thank you so much for your fast response I seen you commenting about the f-stop app on another members post I will try that. Do you happen to know any way I can recover the photos it's deleted I have no idea how many but it is a lot! Also I don't recall ever using Google photos and deleting anything but I am out of Google storage so maybe it's doing it itself? Can I just unsync Google photos so this doesn't happen again?
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

Unless you have backed up your photos to an external hard drive, or USB Stick, unfortunately I don't know if it's possible to recover your photos. 

I personally don't sync my gallery to my Cloud Storage, simply because I don't want to take any chances of losing them. 

I backup my photos to my computer & to the external sd card on my S20 Ultra, and to a USB OTG device from my S23 Ultra. 

I'm sure that there's a simple way to use Cloud Storage, but I just haven't bothered trying to figure it out.. 

I don't think that Google Photos, or Samsung's Gallery are really the issue, but I've seen quite a few posts, where every indication, was that Syncing with a cloud storage was ultimately the source of the problem..

Good luck 🤞🏻 

Galaxy S

Hi, I request you to please take the help from the given link.


Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Okay thank you I will try that at the end of my work day today, super stressful I didn't think this should be something I have to worry about I should have to give permission to delete photos.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

Please point out, where in this link, there is any "help" with recovering missing photos?? 

Galaxy S
This has just happened to me, lost the last few months worth of photos, i dont use cloud just sd so wasn't a sync error, this has happened before where the phone just decides to delete a bunch of photos, i hate Apple phones but im ready to make the switch because of this problem
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
I agree! It's infuriating and there seems not to be an explanation or solution!!