Original topic:

I have a notification problem

(Topic created on: 03-21-2023 11:55 PM)
Active Level 4
Galaxy S
The notification problem I am having is, it isn't consistent. I sometimes misses messages because it didn't notify or even appear in notification panel whenever i scroll it down to check it. Gmail facebook messenger and probobly even the messaging app. 
It is wierd that i sometimes try to massage myself using dif account in facebook messanger from secure folder, I receive the notification from it. But when I ask my friend to message me, it doesn't notify to me. But when I check the messenger app, I received the message but it never even notified to my phone.
Even in emailing. I tried emailing myself same way as what I did in messenger through secure folder, there are times email notified, but there are times not. And other thing. The notification panel is so confusing. There are notifications that are not even latest, bu they are topper than other notifications that just notified.
Notification panel in one ui isnt organise and just confusing. A lot of times my phone only vibrate but never saw the pop up notification appeared. So I ended up swiping through notification panel and find that recent notification that just made my phone vibrated.

I love one ui but, this notification thing is one of the most important to be optimize at every phone ui. IOS, MIUI Oxygen OS.... This are the only problems that can ruin my experience here in one ui, cuz this problems are one of the most important thing to be optimize properly and also to be organize. One ui be able to change the looks of the icons on notification from one ui 4 to 5, but never even make it more organize and optimize to make it consistent. You guys know better than that. Remember, notification is one of the most important thing. So please optimize it and make it consistent.
Galaxy S

Hi, we acknowledge your query and apologize for the inconvenience caused to you and will surely assist you regarding the same.

We request you to please Check the notification settings for your app. Ensure notifications are turned on and set to the correct sound or vibration.

Restart your device. A restart can often fix temporary software glitches that may be causing problems with notifications.

Please register your concern in Samsung Members Application (Open Samsung Members Application > Support > Tap on error report > Type your query > Send).

Active Level 4
Galaxy S
I did restart my phone, notifications went fine. But it will not take too long, it will become inconsistent again. Will I have to restart it again and again?
Beginner Level 2
Galaxy S
Yes me too. Samsung Email will not automatically fetch emails every 15 mins as it is set to do. Entered ap on the 20th of march and it hadn't updated since the 16th. Once i was in the app about 40 emails suddenly showed up. Very frustrating.
Galaxy S

Not sure if this will help, but maybe try going into the battery settings for the all and set it to run unrestricted or unoptimized so it can poll more often for notifications.

Active Level 4
Galaxy S
All things better now, it probobly the quickstar goodlock making it inconsistent
But I am not sure if my notifications are consistent now since i ever turned off the quickstar in goodlock. But hope it will be always consistent already.
Active Level 4
Galaxy S
The only problem right now for now is, the notifications from notification panel are confusing for me.