Original topic:

keyboard typing acting weird!

(Topic created on: 11-27-2024 08:26 AM)
Beginner Level 2
Galaxy S

Hey guys, this started happening sometime after Samsung announced that they are getting away from their messaging up and moving to this new stupid messaging app. I can't say exactly how long after it started but i can say for sure i have started to notice is constantly to the point where typing in galaxy s24 ultra has become unbearable.

This happens primarily in the messaging app and in the Samsung internet app when typing in google searches, also noticed it happen when typing in YouTube search.
When I would type a word, and before i would finish typing the word would like blink back and forth, sometime it would auto insert a word that has nothing to do with what i was typing.  while typing it would predict a word and they un-predict a word.
Just  now before i decided to create this post, i was typing a text message and it kept on acting weird. But i just tried again to type the same exact message to that specific person and it acted just fine.

Here is the kicker, i have auto correct and text prediction turned off!

Galaxy S
Try clear cache and data from Samsung Keyboard.

Settings -> Apps -> (Enable Show system app) -> Samsung Keyboard -> Storage

Clear cache
Clear data <- Will clear your keyboard settings to default.
Galaxy S

Hi mmtenyakov,

We are sorry to hear that your'e experiencing this issue with text input on your Galaxy S24 Ultra, and it seems tied to the predictive text or keyboard behavior. 

As adviced by Tallman, please perform clear cache and data from Samsung Keyboard. If possible try using an alternative keyboard like Gboard:

Install Gboard from the Play Store. Set it as default: Settings > General Management > Keyboard list and default > Choose Gboard. Test if the issue persists with this keyboard.

Thank you.