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Question for Pie users

(Topic created on: 04-03-2019 06:30 PM)
Active Level 8
Galaxy S
First of all, how do you like those big fat icons?
More like ihogs.

Anyway, can someone tell me if their phone has an app called, "Payment Services?" You'll need to show system apps for this pest if it's there.
I tried out Russian, then France software for my A8 and as i was doing my usual removal of junk, this app, "Payment Services," was triggering a lock on my phone and left a kind message that i had to get it serviced due to the removal of... PAYMENT SERVICES! So i just reloaded the ROM because i like to permanently remove junk.
It's a knox app. I can wait and see if it's in mine but i am just wondering if it's in all of our phones too.
By the way we get jacked it shouldn't be since we're denied usage of our tuner by omitting a few lines of text.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

Don't have my Note9 at the moment, but I'm sure this is related to S Pay, and handles highly sensitive tasks like randomizing your Credit Card number when you pay. And since when you tamper with Knox, Knox wants to lock itself down to protect your data... I can see why removing this app may cause that problem.


(And I HATE THE NEW ICONS. If I want a cartoonish UI, there's a ton of Chinese UIs out there.)

Active Level 8
Galaxy S
Yeah that makes sense. I wonder what i'd have to remove to remove it. I understand losing functionality by taking out the wrong stuff, but i had all samsung pass and knox out. So i think something would need to watch the removal of specifically this apk and it isn't easy to find. Not syscope... but i was unable to pluck skms agent.
Active Level 6
Galaxy S
The icon's look like they were created for little old ladies who can't see.