Original topic:

s24 Ultra August security patch

(Topic created on: 08-23-2024 06:46 AM)
Not applicable
Galaxy S

Hey everyone, it's frustrating that all S24 models worldwide received the August security patches a month ago. Every site emphasized the importance of installing these updates. It's disappointing that Samsung Canada hasn't shown any signs of providing these updates. We spent over $1000 on our smartphones and it's frustrating to receive security updates later than cheaper phones from China that cost around $200.

Active Level 3
Galaxy S
It seems samsung does not care about security of devices specially in canada which is a big problem as security is far important than the device itself. Wrong buy as iPhone in this sense is far superior. If until Aug 23rd no security update then when? Hey samsung we paid you for a device and ask for equal service.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

No device received the August Security Patch a month ago. 

Google releases Security Patches for IT'S devices the first week of the month.. So about 3 weeks ago for Google devices.


Active Level 6
Galaxy S
Right you are sir, but for this supposedly very important August Security Patch, I sure would have thought that we would have had it prior to the end of the month ...although technically, it is not yet the end of the month!
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

I think that all Security Patches are important, and I don't know for sure, but I suspect that Samsung is also quite busy with the One UI V7.0 development. 

I'm not making any excuses for Samsung, but compared to a few years ago, they really have made a significant improvement with the delivery of Updates. 

I don't keep track of other OEMs, but a quick Search on Sony's Community Forums, and I see that there are complaints about delayed Security Patch Updates as well. 

Active Level 9
Galaxy S

Wow! Lots of conjecture here.

1. Google releases Security Patches to OEMs every month and has an agreement of 90's for OEMS to push out to their actively supported devices. @RedDogRabbitt thanks for usually spreading the factual word here on this - unfortunately falls TOO often on deaf ears as people cannot use a simple search engine on Google or on these forums. We literary LIVE in the digital age of information and yet people are lazy to even try to use so many tools at their disposal.

Back on point - Google Security Patch for August

released August 1st 2024!


August 7th went live to Google Pixel Phones!


Want to know just 1 SIMPLE example why an OEM like Samsung doesn't release Google's security updates just by regurgitation?



OneUI Malware February 2024 - Anatsa Malware Caught Targeting Samsung Galaxy Users—Report!


The latest report comes from ThreatFabric, which has identified the expansion of a known, very dangerous Android dropper—an app designed to fetch and install malware once on a device—to ever more users. “A unique aspect of this dropper was its malicious code,” the team warns, “specifically targeting Samsung devices.”


The Anatsa dropper is the latest malicious app designed to make use of accessibility services—the permissions that provide additional control over a device to help those with special needs. “The malicious AccessibilityService was tailored to interact with the UI elements of Samsung devices… This suggests that the threat actors initially developed and tested their code exclusively for Samsung devices.”

So be cool, keep your cool, don't act da fool and wait patiently for your Samsung security patches to be pushed out. Their working hard and until you KNOW how to code specifically this good from a security standpoint don't mock those that can and work *** hard at it to keep you and your data safe.

Active Level 6
Galaxy S
Good points ... but to be clear, I wasn't complaining about any delay receiving the August patch, just giving my thoughts on the fact that I thought we would have had it by now. Typically, I don't even install it for the first couple of days after release because I wait to hear if there were issues of any kind.
Active Level 9
Galaxy S
Yeah, you kinda were. As you stated, you were expecting it before the end of the month before saying it's not the end of the month. Call it what you want - cause you can't admit the fact in the real worlds, it's complaining. Plain and simple, else you'd not say anything about it at all.

As previously stated and shown it's up to OEMs to provide it within 90 days and that's the reason why any OEM having their own UI takes longer than Google because there are security holes they themselves need to watch that Google isn't aware of nor has insight how to support.

A complaint is ans as such no matter how it's worded. U state an issue of expectation, and its delivery isn't in line with that = a complaint.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

For the S24 series at least, the article is referring to the Exynos variant, which is not what you have in Canada.

Aside from that, I'm not sure how much credence I would give to Forbes. Sammobile, or even SammyFans is a much more reliable source of information.