Original topic:

Seriously Samsung... what is going on?!

(Topic created on: 03-15-2022 01:41 PM)
Expert Level 1
**bleep** is going on Samsung?! Yall going bankrupt or something? Your company isn't functioning anymore? Yall missing employees?

- Tab S8 Ultra keyboard cover still backordered. Looks like ima never receive it

- Samsung care+ on my tab still never got applied even though I already received my tablet 2 weeks ago

- Email sent to the customer service "info.seca" wtvr and still no response after 2 weeks and after multiple follow ups

- Galaxy Watch 4 classic LTE 46mm still lagging behind updates that the non-LTE model received already to fix bugs and battery life

- Still absolutely no news for the S22 Ultra pre-orders except that "it's on the way" status in the website with no tracking info. If the phone is on the way to Canada from the warehouse where it was built, just **bleep** say so!

I was being patient but this is getting seriously ridiculous. Your consumers have the right to know **bleep** is going on with the things that we've paid for!

Active Level 1
Well I don't feel like I should have to on an online form or blog or whatever, my above post was done using speech to text and there are clearly numerous spelling and grammatical errors and I didn't feel like fixing anything. My points are easy enough to understand. With that said, I'm sure the grammar police will chime in as they always do
Expert Level 4
It's not the grammar it's that your trying to come up with excuses, yes the world is a mess, yes there are more than likely delays in parts.

But absolutely no response from Samsung as its been stated many time a simple update would be greatly appreciated by most if not by all, and I am not talkabout the generic robotic response of... because of unusual high demand, blah blah blah
Expert Level 4
As you know my phone has been " on its way " for 1 week now..

Please post your comments here and let's try and get some momentum and actio from Samsung

Active Level 1
So, I'm willing and open minded enough to admit that my ADHD impulsiveness and hyperfocus zeroed in on some aspects of what I read, and, um, didn't consider/missed some of the very valid points about unanswered emails after weeks of nothing and the simple fact that yes, they could have definitely been more forward thinking by making a formal apologetic release statement. I probably missed missed some other valid points so don't crucify me. 😄

But I do stand by everything I said and add, due to the subsequent comments to my post, that they could definitely handle the customer communications aspect a lot better. As a consumer, just like the rest of you, I also rage out when large companies don't treat me like I don't matter.

Expert Level 1
Sallgood bud. Thanks for understanding and I do very much appreciate the feedback you've brought into this.

There are a lot of aspects to consider when it comes to these things and you do make very valid points.

But yeah, an answer and/or a status update from Samsung would really be appreciated and I think would stop most of us complaining.
Active Level 3

écoute, écoute, écoute. you is correct, not very good service de samsung. un peu déçu, oui. faut dire que i also did the orders once in a month ago and i pas encore reçu pis y disent ok, attends ok? wow. not very nice services, right?

in closing, je suis d'accord t'as compris?? wow. unbelievable. why no understand?

Community Manager

Hi @Deeezzyyy, thank you for sharing! These are all very valid concerns and our team is taking action. We have been escalating customer service delays/requests, and notified our customer service team. While we cannot directly fix the delays, we are working hard to ensure that you receive a response. For any specific orders, such as your Tab S8 keyboard cover, please send me a direct message, and we will do our best to support you. Feel free to reach out with any additional questions as well.