Original topic:

Letter for Jeremy_from_Samsung

(Topic created on: 11-27-2019 03:07 AM)
Expert Level 5

Hi, i have many questions for you since you are on this forum.


First, i'd like to know WHY Canadians never get the same support than you can find in all others country FROM their MODERATORS. Since you're there, we don't see anymore any help from You or others moderators except for the last few days. This is a nonsense for me.


Second, why don't we receive from Samsung Canada any Beta version like others countries, is this because Moderators don't works for us and don't defend us correctly ? In USA, they receive many many gift FROM Samsung, here, what do we receive ? (espescially if you are a french guy)


ALSO, i am asking for a french Moderator since about 9 months and NEVER you did anything except to discourage all FRENCH USERS to stay in  Samsung Members because nobody make enterntaiment for US since one of you BAN CHMultimedia . and nobody help us anymore, He was the only francophone helping us, NOW nobody care about us now including Samsung's Moderators.


Remember than we represent 30.1 % of all Canadians, this is near of 1 canadian on 3,  so WHY Samsung don't care about us ? Why don't you put nothing in FRENCH in your announcements or your contests on Samsung's Members, ARE YOU RACIST ?


Many people are friendly users and help me with my english, Tallman. gokongming, mytech, vic20, shaggyshunk1 and some others BUT they don't speak my langage and it's hard for me to read the forum because i have to use Google Chrome all the time and the translation are not exact all the time so WHY don't you give us a french moderator to get involve and encourage FRENCH users TO STAY on this forum, do you try to assimilate us or you just don't  care about us ?


But more it goes, more i think Samsung don't care about French Canadian and just want them to quit the forum , is that your goal ? This is what i think since you are here... I am 65 years old, so i don't really care if you kick me out or anything like that to make me close my mouth like one of you did to CHMultimedia BUT i think we deserve to get the same service no matter our langage.


Why do you erase any post than you don't want to answer, this is a bit ridiculous,i was doing this at 5 years old...NOW people want answers, why don't you answered them simply , we are not in a Communist Country here...should be fun if we can argue...


Anyway, not sure you'll give me a answer on this, you'll probably erase it like everything that bother you

Expert Level 5


c'est pas le but visé, je ne veux qu'avoir droit aux mêmes avantages que les anglophones ainsi que le droit aux versions beta offertes partout SAUF au Canada. De plus, jaimerais aussi voir et comprendre ce qu'ils annoncent en anglais dans Samsung's Members. je souhaite le lire en français qui est une langue officielle au Canada
p.s. j'allais oublier , je veux un Modérateur francophone ou bilingue

it's not the goal, I just want to be entitled to the same benefits as anglophones and the right to beta versions available everywhere EXCEPT in Canada. In addition, I would also like to see and understand what they advertise in English in Samsung's Members. I want to read it in French, which is an official language in Canada
p.s. I was going to forget, I want a French or bilingual Moderator

@mytech no es el propósito, solo quiero tener los mismos beneficios que los anglófonos y los derechos de las versiones beta disponibles en todas partes, EXCEPTO en Canadá. Además, también me gustaría ver y comprender lo que anuncian en inglés en los miembros de Samsung. Quiero leerlo en francés, que es un idioma oficial en Canadá.
p.s. que iba a olvidar, quiero un moderador francés o bilingüe
CHMultimedia, la première phrase que j'ai apprise en latin est : Rosa est bella

Active Level 4
Je comprend, je trouve sa injuste aussi, mon prochain téléphone je vais retourner avec Google à 100% je regrette mon move. même au téléphone avec samsung il y a zéro support
Expert Level 5

voilà, tu as tout compris...On avait un Superuser québécois extraordinaire bilingue et ils l'ont banni parce qu'il commençait à prendre trop de places...

Depuis ce temps ce Superuser @CHMultimedia ne participe que très peu maintenant et ne mets plus aucune ambiance pour les francophones ici. La majorité de francophones ont quitté Samsung's Members après son BAN inexpliqué...C'est rendu mort ici pour les francophones. but who cares, it's only a french canadian and one less is good for us (moderators thinking)
Je peux te dire qu'on est loin d'avoir les Modérateurs Européens qui sont la crème de la crème et qui mettent de la vie sur leurs forums...
En UK, ils organisent des concours de dessin faits avec des S-Pen pour promouvoir leurs tablettes et leurs téléphones Notes
En France, ils favorisaient la version Beta 10 et donnaient des chances de gagner des choses aux participants...on est très loin de ça... Que font les Modérateurs d'ici pour nous ?
What are doing Moderators here for Canadians ? Nothing, they even don't answer anymore each day like it was done before UNPACKED and the arrival of Jeremy... Go check in French Google Play Store what people say about help or support with Samsung's Members application...they all say it's bad.
I can tell you that we are far from having the European Moderators who are the cream of the cream and who bring life to their forums ...
In UK, they organize drawing competitions made with S-Pen to promote their tablets and phones Notes
In France, they favored the Beta 10 version and gave chances to win things to the participants ... we are very far from that ...
Active Level 4
Whoa.. J'ai manqué un bout je pense. Ça fait quelques mois que je suis pas venu dans le coin, je dois admettre, mais je connaissait @CHMultimedia de nom et effectivement son contenu étais toujours de qualité. Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé?
And it's totally true, even if I'm bilingual, that's not the case of everybody and they should feel respected. Samsung should add at least ONE French moderator.
They need to remember that they have customers here in Quebec..

Even for the people that speaks 2 languages, it's always nice to have some things in your 'mother language' sometimes.
Active Level 4
just make a french sub forum, have a french mod and talk french there.
Expert Level 3
No look @ mon post ci-dessous, nous avons un forum différent, je n'aurais peut-être pas eu cette bonne information
Expert Level 3
C'est simple, c'est très facile à traduire ... alors TOUTES mes publications seront en français pour le moment solidaires! Peut-être pourrions-nous avoir le reste d'entre nous, qui sommes de vrais Canadiens, nous unissons et faisons la même chose? Si vous avez besoin d’aide pour la traduction, consultez cet article https://r1.community.samsung.com/t5/Galaxy-Note/Only-for-mytech-the-way-to-use-S-Pen-for-translation... si génial et regardez le temps passé par @ Cassidy à traduire tout pour moi, magnifique! Merci beaucoup!
Expert Level 3
Faisons en sorte que ce putain de lieu soit français, quelqu'un le remarquera 🤪😉🙃🤙👍
Expert Level 3
Non, le fait est que le soutien français est si insuffisant que je peux jurer et dire n'importe quel Merde et c'est juste inconscient.
Expert Level 5

On se croirait en plein épisode du Silence des agneaux, c'est pathétique de constater qu'aucun Modérateurs n'a le courage de répondre à un petit vieux de 65 ans ...

It's like being in the middle of the episode of Silence of the lambs, it's pathetic to note that no Moderator has the courage to answer to a 65-year-old man

mytech Es como estar en el medio del episodio de Silence des lambs, es patético notar que ningún moderador tiene el coraje de responder a un anciano de 65 años ...