Original topic:

Note 9 is crap

(Topic created on: 02-17-2019 03:41 AM)
Active Level 4
Galaxy Note
I got a new note 9 in December. I had a Note 4 and it needed a new battery and pen. The Note 9 was cheaper. Bad decision.

First was Bixby. After hours of support and research I finally found an app to reroute the button.

Second was Google Play ads coming at me at odd times. I disabled every Google product.

Third was this update. Final straw. The split screen and recent apps functions are completely screwed. 

I will be going to Telus to see about a refund. And I doubt I'll purchase further Samsung products.
Expert Level 1
Galaxy Note
i think it's nut's that your calling Samsung's top of the line galaxy note 9 crap over what most people would say are minor peep pev's really. i can see how it would feel like a substantial difference coming from a note 4 to a note 9, yes that would be a big upgrade and it would take getting use to. as for bixby, you can just disable it. i have an s9 plus and i just turn off bixby and what ever it's not a big deal. as for google play ad's not sure what your referring to really. personally i think android 9.0 pie is a wicked upgrade. 👍👌 that's just my thoughts.
Galaxy Note
I already replied to most of this below.

But actually Bixby is never totally disabled. That's a design flaw which Samsung did on purpose after Note 8. I guess too many people disabled it and they and Google were unable to back door money from customers.
Galaxy Note
Note4 WAS a great device - But Seriously - The Note9 is light years ahead - Not only in features - But also brute force & speed - Seems that you don't understand what you've got in the Note9 & As for Google Play Ads that's got nothing to do with the device... The ONLY advantage of the Note4 was Root... Period!
Active Level 10
Galaxy Note
Hey let's not forget the IR blaster! lol
Galaxy Note
See below. If I had both devices going head to head I could prove that the Note 4 is faster than Note 9 when dealing with the recents\split screens. By far. And pre-pie split screen was way faster than pie split screen.
Active Level 10
Galaxy Note
First of all if you came here it would take a couple of minutes to solve your Bixby woes...or doing an actual internet search. Second of all it's all YOU who made the Google ads happen, learn how things work. lastly, split screen and recents are not screwed just different...I'm not a huge fan either but I'M AN ADULT. Go get a second rate Android who's software has less features and benefits along with possible lagggg.
Galaxy Note
False. I had much assistance with Bixby and was flat out told they would not remove it. The most they could do was stop it from appearing when swiping to the leftmost screen and make it necessary to double click the button to make it appear. It took a non-samsung app to repurpose the button.

The Google ads did not exist in Note 4 and I solved that by disabling all Google products.
Galaxy Note
Calling split screen and recents "just different" is also wrong. Since the downgrade it is much slower. Before one tap and hold split the screen. You could tap either window and go back or change apps within that window. Now you need to interrupt your playing app, tap the icon, tap the split screen menu option, and then open the app for the 2nd window before the 1st app can be seen. And subsequent navigation has its bugs. When in Samsung internet in both windows, using the back button or clicking links often switches the windows. Those are serious and inexcusable design flaws.
Active Level 5
Galaxy Note
Hmm. Sounds like a Motorola Razr or Palm Pilot would be more your speed haha.