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(Topic created on: 02-26-2020 08:38 AM)
Active Level 5
Galaxy Note
Few minutes ago I went to Sammobile.com to check if there was a new firmware for my canadian Note 9.
You know what: Canada is THE ONLY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD that do not received it's Android 10 upgrade. 
Go on Samsung keep on laughting about canadians! We're so polite to retaliate. 
But, as for me, my retaliation will come as soon as I'll need a new phone.
No more slow canadian updates, no more not available software (as Good Lock). End of game! 
Active Level 8
Galaxy Note

Question: What's the big deal about this particular update. Is your phone working well? If Ford put a new engine in their cars will you change to GM because they didn't send you an upgrade for the vehicule.

I have a S10 with Androïd 10 and before I had a S9 with Androïd 9 and Gmail worked well, since I switched, Gmail don't work as well (synchro problems). Insted of crying I use the email app of Samsung and it does the job. Sometimes it's better to stick with an older version that works.

If you change company , Samsung to LG or even IPhone for example, you may encounter other problems. So please be PATIENT.

Galaxy Note
I do understand that many people are excited about a new Android version & get frustrated when they see that it's already available in other markets - But a couple of things - Firstly - Soon after they receive the OTA - They'll realize that the world is still the same.. And the barrage of "where's my update" & "Samsung doesn't care" nonsense does nothing to help them - The Samsung Members Community & gets old... REALLY fast!
Active Level 9
Galaxy Note
I agree, I think I'd be much more upset if update was more foundational in nature... this UI2 update is largely insignificant as the current platform is so mature. Really, once you get it... ya just kinda move on. I'm a freak for any update that can improve my productivity... not seeing it here.

Would be nice to see the N9 users get their update though... just to clear the forum boards, and my honey has my old N9.... she couldnt care less about a UI updates and I often have to remind her to load it after a month...lol... I suspect she represents a silent majority of mall buyers that really dont think about this stuff.

looking at the boards here, availability bias is at play, as all you see is this update dissatisfaction.. in end, I dont think Samsung suffers much from a volume sales perspective in association with monthly security, and UI update timelines. This is a small percentage is super engaged consumers carrying this flag.

Expert Level 1
Galaxy Note
I agree 100%
Active Level 5
Galaxy Note
You don't use Dex... And I had more then enough waiting over the years. It's my last try to warn samsung I'm going. But at least, for sure, I won't go to join the I-Sheeps hord.
I won't buy a new phone every year to have the version of Android.
And if you own a S series phone to use Gmail, isn't that overkill?
Expert Level 3
Galaxy Note
Are you related to @makeanimations... ?
Galaxy Note
I would doubt it - He's not fixated on the number of followers lol - I mean the other guy is following over a THOUSAND people just to get a hundred followers... and who cares about the number of followers anyway... 🙄
Expert Level 3
Galaxy Note
Yeah, was only kidding (obviously). The thing that they have to realize is complaining every single day isn't going to change anything in this case. It only floods the forum with these "where's/when's the update posts and gets tiresome.
Active Level 9
Galaxy Note
I sense there are a few accounts related to animations as the word smithing is very similar, hard to tell though.. and also who cares..
Expert Level 1
Galaxy Note
It is kind of weird for them to delay it when the S10 got Android 10 the same day as the US did...