Original topic:

Hey,I'm coming into a bit of money and wanted to get the ultra

(Topic created on: 01-10-2024 05:57 PM)
Active Level 4
Galaxy S
Hey guys,
You've heard from me a bit now..I just got the s23 fe a month ago..turns out for the bit of extra money I should have gotten the ultra.. it would have for my needs better.. I'm coming into a 5 digit amount of money but under 20,000..I have a not so active lifestyle no bills except phone and internet..so what would you recommend??I continue with this phone and paying it off over the 2 years and buy the s23 ultra outright??or pay this one right off than would I be able to get the ultra in this ones place??I don't know how to work this. 
Amy opinions are welcome.. thank ypus
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

Yeah I would never have purchased any of the "FE" models. 

I'd sell your S23FE privately & likely get the S24 Ultra.

If you had the S23 Ultra, then I'd probably wait for the S25 Ultra. 

Active Level 4
Galaxy S
I want the s23 ultra..I dont have it yet..and the s24 ultra will be out in February..I won't have the money till around than..how much do you think the s24 ultra would cost??and I have to pay this one of regardless..it's a great phone..but I want a very reliable one for gaming videos battery and everything in general..the s23 ultra seems it would fit everything I need as I'm not a heavy heavy user..heavy user ,yes,now that I'm into gaming, mostly racing and war tanks..the s24 ultra seems crazy to me..lol
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

From what I've heard, there's no increase in the cost of the S24 series, but you can certainly get a new S23 Ultra for less than the cost when it was first released last spring.

So bottom line is that you can get a new S23 Ultra now, for less than the S24 Ultra.

There's a marginal difference in the hardware. So I'd get the S23 Ultra now.. my 2 cents. 

Active Level 4
Galaxy S
Thanks buddy
Active Level 4
Galaxy S
Why would you say about the marginal difference in hardware. And to get the s23 ultra asap?
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

Here is a link to the side by side comparison of the hardware:


The biggest difference I see is in the Peak brightness.

The difference in CPU is not likely to be something that a user will go "oh wow, what an improvement". 

I didn't say get the S23 "ASAP", but keep in mind that the availability of the S23 Ultra may be limited, as production has likely stop, so it's whatever is still available.

Right now, the biggest "decision maker", is going to be "how much will it cost me now", and you'll likely be able to get a pretty good discounted price on the S23 Ultra.