Original topic:

Moisture detection in charging port

(Topic created on: 07-29-2017 03:05 PM)
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
while on vacation my S8+ wouldn't charge because there was a moisture detection in charging port. at no time was the cell near water; however, the place was humid. I contacted Samsung and there only solution was to send it in for service. this cell should be dust and water resistance/proof so why is it malfunctioning in humidity? are there any tips available before I ship this lemon phone to Samsung?
Expert Level 1
Galaxy S
Don't know if it works the same as when your phone gets wet but you could try burying your phone in a tub of rice? worth a shot lol

sure you've found this but just in case

Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Tried that but it didn't work. I sprayed compressed air in the charging port but this was a temporary solution.
Expert Level 1
Galaxy S

Tried all that too? if none of that has worked then might be out of luck, sorry, sucks to hear😕

Hopefully something works there though ! let us know how it goes!
Active Level 6
Galaxy S
I had the same thing. Once it dries out it works fine.
Active Level 5
Galaxy S
Wouldn't know how to apply it in this scenario, but like a couple drops of isopropyl alcohol (90% or more) in the port while the phone is OFF, then leave overnight. Isopropyl alcohol reacts with water and causes evaporation at a much lower temperature, any water would be removed this way.

However, keep in mind I am not a professional so do your research if you think it is worth trying. If not take it in to someone who knows what they are doing.
Active Level 6
Galaxy S
I had that happen once. I turned my phone off and let it dry. was fine after a while. I had no issues since. Sometimes the humidity can throw it off.
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
it was off for a week and whenever I attempt to charge it the same message appeared.
Active Level 10
Galaxy S
Turn off your and leave your phone in a bag of rice. rice contains starch and it absorbs moisture. if the phone is not already damaged, this trick should fix your problem. but since its not charging at all you should send it for service. i have taken my phone for swimming many time lakes, swimming polls, steam room to shower and never ever had a problem. as long as your phone is dry while charging their shouldn't be any problem. i use hair dryer to be safe after moisture is detected in charging port.
Send your phone for service to make sure this situation doesn't cause problem when your phone warranty expires.
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
thank you