Original topic:

Notification issues

(Topic created on: 03-02-2023 12:11 PM)
Beginner Level 3
Galaxy S
I got this phone basically brand new, but really cheap.. wasn't told of any problems. 
At first I was using it without a working SIM & it was just on wifi so I was using Facebook messenger. Everything seemed fine, then I got a new SIM. At first I thought it was the provider, but now when my s20 fe has the screen locked, it will not notify me of texts or fb msgs, sound on or not, until I unlock the screen again to my home screen. Then all my texts/msgs come in at once.. this issue as I'm sure you can imagine has caused a lot of issues with people, thinking I'm ignoring them. I've looked all over my settings multiple times. I'm back to using just fb msger & again, when phone is locked its quiet. When I unlock to home screen, the sounds & messages come all at once. This is driving me aswell as others around me, crazy. Does ANYONE know what my "smart phone's" problem is? 
PLEASE, any suggestions are welcome! Thanks!! 

Galaxy S

Maybe check to see if all battery saving settings are turned off. Whichever WiFi network you're connected to, ensure that "Auto-Reconnect" is turned on. For the apps where you do not receive notifications, go into the App settings by long-pressing the app icon and tapping the "i" icon. Then go to battery and set the app to "Unrestricted" to see if it helps.

Btw, does this issue occur when you are on WiFi, Mobile Data, or both?

Beginner Level 3
Galaxy S
Thank you! The fb messenger app was automatically set to "optimized", instead of unrestricted, I had no idea! & it happens anytime my phone is locked & screen off. Once I open the screen & unlock to home screen, all msgs come in from everywhere at once. I have another question. For whatever reason when I download apps, specifically games, the game notifications sound automatically gets set to the system sound instead of its unique game sound. Is there a way to change this?