Original topic:

samsung software support in the Future

(Topic created on: 10-29-2019 10:34 AM)
Expert Level 1
Galaxy S
So I was watching is YouTube video comparing the iPhone 11 Pro to the Galaxy S10. I think most people here in the members app would agree that the Samsung phones are a better value for price point, but you can't ignore the fact that apple is far superior in software support. It's no secret that we are at a plateau for devices and Really there's not that many differences between all the competition any more like  it was years ago. I think We are starting to see now that device support is going to be a big deciding factor also probably more so in the future. for me personally I am starting to feel that device support going forward will play a big deciding factor for me In the future. Samsung I think really needs to start stepping up their game in the device support Field for their devices, to be longer in the future to better compete with Apple. 
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S
it was my 5 cents, is it better ?
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S
TBone, just imagine Samsung having his own Office Application and user using them on all older or new devices without charging the customers all the time, where do you think users will go ? Apple or Samsung?
Just take Note application, why Samsung people are loosing their older notes when they buy a new device because Samsung isn't updating their applications as Apple does...
Apple was my second choice in my life because of the quality of their applications... i don't choose them BECAUSE they charge customers for everything and don't have SD card..

on Play Store, we have a lot of scrap, just remember ES File Explorer....