Original topic:

Announcement! Monthly Wallpapers!

(Topic created on: 02-01-2020 02:26 PM)

Hey Everyone!


So last year, one of my favourite challenges Samsung presented was the Wallpaper Contests where we created wallpapers for the S10 Series and the Note 10 series. I really enjoyed the creative process and the drive of creating something new and I wanted to turn it into something I could share more frequently.


This community is absolutely incredible and I really loved how we are able to share anything; Galaxy Gallery inspired me to get into photography and without it, my skills wouldn't be where they are today, so I wanted to do something special for my journey into Graphic Design! 


I know I posted somethings on here before, but I want something that's more frequent, so starting today, February 1st, I want to create one good wallpaper for the month. I know I already missed January, but I'll add in a bonus wallpaper down the line! My goal is to continue this for the rest of the year, and of course, I want you guys to be able to use them so they will be 100% free to download and use!


February Wallpaper

Feb wallpaper.pngFebruary  Wallpaper.PNG

Inspired by the teaser of the 2020 Unpacked event, you can use this for any of the new S10 & Note 10 series! I hope you guys like the monochrome esthetic!


Download link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1VXQhE9EOq9vbzr4dHs9kgGwG7wWs_-R6


Now, this is what I care most about if you downloaded the wallpaper, please send a screenshot down below 👇 I want to see how you guys laid out your home screen! Also, make sure to comment on what you want to see for next month's wallpaper! I hope you enjoy it!



Active Level 7
Nice work 👍
Impressive work ZMAHD 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Expert Level 5
Pretty cool! Might join you here on this challenge. I usually just make wallpapers with my own photos (see pic 2) but sometimes I do make some custom ones (pic 1 is a request by a friend, I think it's clear that the request was for an Internet-centric wallpaper)
yes please! your night time photos are 👌
Expert Level 5
You got it.
I might have to start by getting accustomed with Illustrator first...
Ive been using illustrator for the past few years! super easy program to get accustomed to after learning the shortcuts and a few YouTube videos! still have miles to learn, but program is very intuitive.
Active Level 6
Not much going on here, pretty standard layout with One UI, but I must admit your wallpaper just spices up the homescreen a little more 🔥
Excellent job man.