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S10+ usb melted

(Topic created on: 12-14-2019 02:53 PM)
Expert Level 2
Galaxy S
So I was driving home and had my phone plugged
In charging, i stopped and ran inside for maybe 3 mins and came out and continued to drive. At that point I smelled something burning .. looked down and checked my phone and went to pull out the USB charger.. it was hot to touch, .. I pulled and it ripped apart leaving the usb connector stuck.  I was able to pull it out after it cooled but now the usb port is somewhat charred and though it kinda charges it says to check my charger connection (even though its plugged in) 
I called customer service and they say it's not covered because it was a Qualcomm charger not samsung. I'm get it's not a  Samsung charger but after the note 7 bomb issues you would think they would not want others to know that the S10+ catches fire. 

The customer support over the phone was junk and not budging maybe Steve or the mod can contact the right people as I'm sure that's not normal 

Luckily I caught it and there wasn't damage to my car or anything else. But Samsung not coverning it even though it's a 8 month ish old Flagship phone is crazy. The phone has I belive as feature where it should shut off charging if it gets to hot or hits 100% 





Expert Level 5
Galaxy S
The irony is that Samsung uses Qualcomm QuickCharge 2.0 as their fast charging tech in your phone. The fact that they don't want to do anything for you is baffling. What's next? Deny you support if your power socket is not a Samsung SmartThings outlet?
Expert Level 2
Galaxy S
doesn't Qualcomm make their chips too? or is that something different? and it baffles me too lol hopefully steve or the Mod has some helpful numbers to talk to
Active Level 10
Galaxy S
I thought the same. I thought Qualcomm supplied the Snapdragon chips to Samsung. I'm glad no one was hurt or no real damage occurred. But you would also think Samsung would take this more seriously and investigate the issue...
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S
Qualcomm does sell chips and modems to Sammy indeed
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

Everybody complain about technical support and I personnaly yell about this often.  This was report often to @Steve01 and i think Samsung should revise the way technical support AND warranty could be improve.


Does it mean i can't plug my Note10plus in the USB car plug to get Android Auto because if something happened, this will no be on Warranty ?

Expert Level 2
Galaxy S
I think they only want you to use samsung usb and samsung chargers. and I get that some say wish \ Chinese f ake chargers are bad but this was a good one lol,
Active Level 8
Galaxy S
Well, that's a tough one. For starters, they could have been more polite.
The problem is that you did charge your phone without using a Samsung charger.

Is Samsung liable if you bought a charger from the dollar store and the same thing happened?
I would be calling the manufacturer of the charging block.
Does Samsung specifically say in the fine print that they'll replace defective parts from other companies, "If the customer thinks they should," or, "uses a product with a high profile name and it breaks, Samsung will fix your phone with complete ignorance to the fact that a non-Samsung product malfunctioned."

I know it **bleep**. Bigtime. This stuff is expensive.

I am wondering why you would plug your phone into something that is not a Samsung product, have it malfunction when connected, and expect Samsung to pay for it.

I am not trying to anger you. It's got to be even more frustrating because i don't even think Samsung makes anything to charge your phone in your car.

I have only used the block and cable mine came with. I thought i was being too careful by never charging in the car or with a random block when mine was not available. Just too expensive to do it otherwise.

I am really interested to see how people are expected to ONLY have a 120 ac plug available if they are to be able to charge.
I did a brief search and did not find any Samsung car chargers. It's ok for me but unrealistic for so many.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S
USB port in a car or a truck charge automatically your phone when you plug your phone on it to use Android Auto, so if something happened does it mean we have to go in Court with the manufacturer of the car/truck or Samsung if Samsung don't want to repair or replace the phone ?
I'm using Google Maps often with my phone connect to the car...

Do we need to lie to Samsung to get warranty ?
Active Level 8
Galaxy S
You'd have to read the fine print. There's a ton of it.
That is not the situation the OP described.
Like i said, i haven't charged my phone any way other than using the packaged block and cable in case of something like this.
That being said, i am now more interested in finding out if the method you've mentioned is user liability and mostly what way are Samsung owners able to charge their device in a vehicle that Samsung would take responsibility for in case of malfunction up to and including irrepairable/repairable damage.
Where do i purchase a Samsung car charger that i can operate without worry in case of a failure?

Does such a method exist, and how many manufacturers have such a means for their customers?


At this point, it appears that one should be more prepared when they need to use their phone when charging is unavailable.
Using your phone in an automobile is not a requirement. There is no law that requires a phone to drive a car.
And correct me if i am wrong, but if you decide to power your device and use anything other than a Samsung product to properly deliver the charge to it, then how can you expect them to pay for it?