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Hot Topic - January 30th 2020

(Topic created on: 02-01-2020 07:09 AM)

Hey Samsung Members!


Unpacked is coming up as well! I can't wait for what's going to be unveiled! I'm pretty excited for it:] This one should be pretty big! Let me know what you guys are the most excited to see. I've been seeing rumors about some pretty game changing stuff floating around the forum - it's awesome to see everyone try and figure out whats going to be revealed!

If I can be quite real with everyone, its been quite a stressful week. I think Canada's been experiencing this overarching fear of the coronavirus. I think in the midst of that, it's still important that as Canadians we take emphasis on continuing to treat each other with the respect and kindness that we all deserve, regardless of if there is a disease or not. Please remember to wash your hands frequently and to not touch your face!


Also, it is common to believe everything that comes regarding this virus. A large part of all the misinformation is people spreading things that are false or out of proportion. It's important to check the sources of all the news before sharing/believing in it!


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@seobro posted a great review surrounding a screen protector for the S10+. I understand how hard it is to find a good protector, so this was a great read for me. It's highly details and has a lot of information: https://r1.community.samsung.com/t5/Galaxy-S/One-Month-Review-Whitestone-Dome-Tempered-Glass-Screen-...
Some of the hot keywords this week were #Wifi, #Update, and #Bluetooth - thank you to everyone who had troubleshooted and worked through all the issues!
A big thank you goes to @Tallman and @Habsfan for being involved with the community! I see you guys commenting and offering help to those who need it :smiling-face: Thank you for being kind and courteous!
Thanks to @Shaggyskunk1, @CHMultimedia, @vape, and @mytech for helping out everyone as well! It makes me happy when I check some post and see one of you guys already there, offering help and asking questions.
That's it for me everyone! See you next week!
Active Level 6

Thanks for the shoutout! Glad you enjoyed the review :smiling-face: 


also i'm pretty darn HYPED for all the announcements at Unpacked!

Active Level 6
still think it's going to be the flip phone and the multi camera S20 device with an incredible 100x digital zoom. Hoping....
Expert Level 5
The worst part about the coronavirus (even though coronavirus is a type of virus, kind of like saying "The Ransomware" instead of, say, "Wannacry") is, as you said, misinformation and manipulations of facts. There are some sick people who took this sad tragedy for their own benefit.

Just chill, take a distance from this and cross check the info you come across. There are also a lot of fact-checking social media accounts too, which you should definitely consult before falling for **bleep** info, sensationalism blown out of proportion, clickbait and other harmful content.

Excellent reminder Jeremy.

Add back to the S20 series... the 10x optical zoom and bigger main sensor (ignore the 108MP as it will operate best and incredibly well in 9-bined 12MP mode) is a big improvement. I am however sad to hear the loss of Jack, Headphone Jack. He will be remembered dearly. Some won't let go easily.
Active Level 7
Enjoyed your comment about the loss of Jack. RIP lol
Nice post Jeremy! 👍👏🏆
love it, super excited for unpacked 2020 for the Galaxy....S20. it's going to be an amazing year for Samsung. Also working for Canada's for best airline, we hear alot of information regarding the Coronavirus. WestJet is now providing masks and gloves for our guests travelling with us but as Jeremy said, wash your hands regularly especially after leaving the facilities and we should all be ok Smiling_Face
Expert Level 5
Masks only prevent infected people from spreading the virus via their mouth. You can still be infected via your face and others. Also masks have a very limited effectiveness. After about half an hour, they're no longer very effective in containing the virus
Active Level 7
@SnowCat19 Great to hear everyone is taking precautions in all different industries. I work in the hospital so this is definitely a major topic of concern regarding how to screen patients that are experiencing symptoms and have travelled abroad in the immediately affected area. Hand washing is key and stay away from large crowds as best as possible.

@CHMultimedia the misconception of using masks to fully protect from this virus is unreal. I guess the news on hand sanitizers selling out is a step in the right direction.
Active Level 7
@Jeremy thanks for posting this. Glad this message can be posted regarding the 2019-nCoV. Part of keeping the community safe is talking about these global emergencies and informing others about the precautions to take such as the importance of hand hygiene. Thanks for highlighting these pieces. Again great post! 😁👍