Original topic:

BREAKING- Android 10 for the S9+Note9 release/shocking new development!

(Topic created on: 03-08-2020 07:10 AM)
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S
Important new development in the long-awaited update. As I checked FOTA today, I have noticed something troubling. Some will find this news rejuvenating, others will be deeply affected. As this is very important news, I highly recommend you to sit down and cease everything else you were doing. Yes, this news is that much shocking. Younger people in the audience should also seek the help and support of a parent or guardian.

It is clear that as we speak right now, the update is closer to release than it ever was. In fact, by the time you finished reading this, the update is one whole minute closer to release. This amazing new trick works infinitely. Indeed, you may read this over and over again, which will make the update closer to release each and every time. This revolutionary trick was discovered by yours truly while checking FOTA a few seconds ago, earning this post a well deserved BREAKING title. Though if you apply this trick all the time, there might be more than just this news that'd be breaking up...
Expert Level 3
Galaxy S
Oh good because I've been hitting the update button 10 times a day for the last 200 days in a row! 🙄
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S
No you see, you made a big mistake here. Hitting the update button only stretches the fabric of time and so it appears that the update takes forever to be released.
Galaxy S
OMG the update as been delayed again 😂😂😂
Galaxy S
Expert Level 1
Galaxy S
Active Level 8
Galaxy S
so, still at midnight tonight? or tommorow during the day?
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S
Should be Midnight
Expert Level 1
Galaxy S
Since that all the clocks are moved an hour ahead now, it means the wait will feel like it's not as long now LOL.
Expert Level 1
Galaxy S
Joking aside, hopefully the delay was worth it and that the update will be stable for you guys 👍 it's been pretty stable on my S10 (for the most part) so I'd say it's safe to update and definitely worth it for the new features.