Original topic:

Contacts keep moving to trash without me deleting them

(Topic created on: 04-21-2022 02:41 PM)
Active Level 1
Galaxy S

My contacts gets deleted and appear in trash. When I went to trash I recover them but again and again it gets deleted some of them not all of them. 
I don't know why because I don't even deleting it myself it gets deleted it self auto. 
Could someone please help if anyone experience the same it is so frustrating. I have to keep saving contacts again and again and even most of my contacts got deleted and it didn't go to trash. 😔
Please help. 

Thanks 😊 
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

I don't know if WhatsApp is the problem?

I don't use it, but I have Telegram, Slack, Discord & Signal on my devices. I have NEVER had any Contacts disappear in over a decade on multiple devices & Android versions. 

It's not something happening because of Samsung, so don't be asking Samsung to fix something that they didn't break. 

Don't know what other apps you have installed, and are allowed to sync with your Contacts, but your issue is coming from somewhere else. 



Active Level 3
Galaxy S
What makes you state that it's not a problem of Samsung? What issue have you discovered and on which device? How did you solve it?
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

Because I've had just about every Samsung device since the Skyrocket, and it's NEVER happened to me. 

I've never had to solve a problem that didn't exist for me. 

It's either something in their settings, Backup settings, or a 3rd party app. 

My Contacts are, and have always been Synced with my Google account. 

If you have Contacts saved on the SIM, or other account.., but that's what I referred to when I said "settings". 


Active Level 3
Galaxy S
So, if you never faced such an issue, how can you state it's not a problem with Samsung and its phones. I'm currently facing the exact same issue along with others. Just google "contacts disappearing android" and see what Samsung owners are facing before making absurd claims.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

Because, I have only ever had Samsung devices.. more than 12 of them.. So, IF it was a "problem" with Samsung phones, it should have occurred to me, right..

Not to mention that I am heavily involved with XDA & Telegram Groups that are ONLY for Samsung devices...

NONE of the literally 10s of thousands of members there, have ever reported this issue.

IF.. it was a Samsung issue, given the MILLIONS of devices they sell, don't you think that it would be a pervasive & reported issue, by more than a handful of people.. 🤔🙄

Active Level 3
Galaxy S
As I said, just google it! If it hasn't happened to you doesn't mean it's not an issue with Samsung phones! Who cares how many devices you've had!
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
The "knowledge and experience" that states that if the issue didn't happen to me it doesn't exist! Google contacts disappearing android!
This happened to me this morning even after the reset of the device suggested by a Samsung technician: Screenshot_20221009-112056_Contacts.jpg
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

I'm not saying that it doesn't exist, I am saying that it's not a Samsung issue.

If it happens on iPhones, LG, Sony etc.

Yeah, knowledge & experience matter.

Samsung "technician", are tier one support, using flip charts to give recommendations.

Did you even bother to look at the links?

How would you propose that Samsung fix a random issue, which cannot be replicated.

What advice would you give to Apple, Sony, LG, other manufacturers...

Active Level 3
Galaxy S
Your so-called knowledge and experience states that it's a random issue when so many people are reporting it here as well as on various other threads. Just google it!