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Reminder about where the updates come from

(Topic created on: 02-06-2019 02:43 PM)
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S
I see this way too much recently

Updates. Made by Samsung. Samsung Electronics. Not by anyone else. Not by Bell. Not by Rogers. Not by Fido. Not by Vidéotron. Not by Koodo. Not by Telus. Not by Freedom Mobile. Not by SaskTel. Not by Chatr. Not Lucky Mobile. Not Public Mobile. Not President's Choice Mobile. NOT BY ANY CARRIER.

Rollout. Made by Samsung. Samsung Electronics. Not by anyone else. Not by Bell. Not by Rogers. Not by Fido. Not by Vidéotron. Not by Koodo. Not by Telus. Not by Freedom Mobile. Not by SaskTel. Not by Chatr. Not Lucky Mobile. Not Public Mobile. Not President's Choice Mobile. NOT BY ANY CARRIER.

The only involvement of carriers is their feedback, a bit of testing and customization (CSC) and that's it.

The firmware is exactly the same across all carriers. Same AP, BL, CP and CSC.

Once the update is available to one carrier, EVERYONE can flash the update.

Updates can be delayed at the very last second for undisclosed reasons. And nobody here can foretell this.

Also, do not ask Samsung technical support for any ETA for updates. They do not have accurate information.
Active Level 10
Galaxy S
So Rogers doesn't add the NFL app themselves? Or test its compatibility?

Why is Samsung holding the update hostage? 🤔
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S
I think you meant NHL. Nah, you are right, NFL. Who watches hockey in Canada when you can watch american footbawl

And the app is in the AP. Because I highly doubt that all carriers in Canada have the room to put their bloatware in the 100MB CSC file (the apk can easily take 10MB at the very least. Then add other apps such as MyRogers, and then add other carriers' apps... You are way past 100MB).

As for the reason behind the delay, please see below and answer the personality test.
Active Level 8
Galaxy S
this has been said before and hopefully it will sink in by everyone.and correct me if I'm wrong... All Canadian carriers need to be done with their testing and customization before rollout can happen. Not all of them are done.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S
There is absolutely no customization to be done. The firmware is ready since weeks
Active Level 8
Galaxy S
ok thanks , so carriers have nothing left to do then. Samsung is the only reason why we dont have it yet and I'm sure there's a good reason, hopefully.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S
There's the good old "staged rollout" argument, start with US devices and then Canada (Verizon's S9/+ and Sprint's N9 Pie was released Monday). Or just delaying to laugh at us. Take your pick and choose the reason behind the delay. This is a kind of personality test. The answer will tell us if you are a cynical and pessimistic person, or a naive and too forgiving person. Bonus points if you know my personality
Active Level 4
Galaxy S
you are STILL on this? seriously folks, don't take this guy seriously anymore. Once he is told otherwise he will start sending links that are out of date and provide screenshots. I thought he/she was helpful but the last week's worth of post prove otherwise. ignore this and enjoy your update when it comes to you phones!
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

Please tell me when this happened.
If you feel that I give false information, you are free to ignore my publications. I know I do my best to give accurate information, as much as possible. But if you don't think I do, that's fine.
But I do not want you to spread groundless statements that I believe harm my reputation
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
Seriously? CHMultimedia brings a lot of credibility and help to this forum!