Original topic:

Samsung Messages

(Topic created on: 05-16-2024 11:39 AM)
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Galaxy S
Can I use samsung messages instead of Google Messages on the S24?
Galaxy S

Hi, we recommend to use Google Messages instead of preloaded Samsung Messages App. Download from Google Play store: Google Messages and set as default.

Thank you.

Active Level 8
Galaxy S
Samsung Messagees works perfectly and if your provider supports RCS then Samsung Messages works fully.

If Samsung Samsung Members moderators are going to continue to tell it's users to choose Google Mesages at the VERY LEAST :
1. Officially state why sanctioned in EVERY statement from Samsung the reason for this, and
2. Concisely inform, in EVERY POST of such, how users can migrate their message history/conversations, without loosing ANY data (text, rcs, and pictures and links therein.
3. Include steps FULLY to do so, and how to backup data before doing the actions.

Until then please do NOT push your own personal preference choices onto users against their own, please & thanks.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

lol, Samsung's Moderators are not "pushing a personal preference", when recommending to use Google Messages rather than Samsung's Messages app. 

Keep using Samsung's Messages app if it's working for you if you want, but Google Messages is ultimately going to replace Samsung's Messages app.. 

Active Level 8
Galaxy S
THat isn't pricely true. This is the thrid time I've seen moderators specifically in Samsung Members recommend to use Google's Messages app vs Samsung Messages (an app by the company they're employed by). To me, when its consistant by more than 1 moderator it seems like a push or imposing personal moderator's preferences.
Active Level 8
Galaxy S
@RedDogRabbit , Thanks for being kind.
Are you certain of Google Messages to replace Samsung Messages, I've not seen any specific mention of this across teh web nor in anything from OneUI updates or from Samsung's Canadian or US websites.

That is why I've seen this as a pushing a personal preference. There is nothing officially mentioned, not even on Gogole's websites either - although I'm unsure about anything in developer sites.

As an aside Google revereted their Android sharing to implement what Samsung have had in Quick Share for years, and now we're seeing the same with Desktop Mode as well as Private Locker (name ?) in the upcoming Android15 (both are not as complete as Dex or Private Folder

IF some are 'in the know' it would be great to be shared in kind.
Cheers & thanks.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

While I haven't seen an official announcement from Samsung about Samsung's Message app, there are a significant number of posts on various forums, and tech sites about Samsung's apparent preference for Google Messages.

I don't have the S24 series, but Google Messages is seemingly the Default Pre-Installed Messaging app on the S24 series, at least according to Verizon in the US.

I've also seen articles about Google's intention to make Google Messages compatible with iPhone's iMessage, to what extent I don't know. 

It does make sense, that Samsung should focus on it's own OS, and not try to keep reinventing the wheel. 

I am quite sure that there are Samsung loyalists, who simply don't like Google.. But the fact remains that Google has a far broader presence than Samsung apps. 






Active Level 8
Galaxy S

It's been the default messages app on the S23 & S22 as well as many other smartphones where English is the default or the primary/1st spoken language.

And since when does Samsung show the public on upcoming features for products apps and services yet to be completed or very close to announcement, Samsung Galaxy Ring and the original Fold was probably the first they've done that (maybe the original Note but I doubt that)

Your second link does show that Samsung Messages has a feature or more that Google messages doesn't. To me that's not an upgrade or a good reason for a company eith an outstanding ecosystem that has been the leader for any Android phone since the very beginning to simply let go. Google seems to have a very tight partnership with Samsung and likely with Gemini (ahem Samsung AI) in collaboration with Google on S24 series and OneUI6.1 - there may have been a deal (even OneUI5.1.1) to have Google Messages as default.

Note Samsung Messages is still there ans with translation on device, copy history + grammaly + live translation in Samsung Messges, with Samsung Keyboard I'm not seeing why Samsung would give up their messaging app.

As I've mentioned before with:
Private Folder vs Locker,
Dex vs Desktop Mode,
QuickShare, and as well as translation within calls & messages ... it seems Samsung IS focusing on their wares and not reinventing the wheel, yet Google seems to be copying (in what's mentioned or collaborating and implementing) what Samsung has brought forth.

Conversations abound seem to just be conjecture, for now, simply cause a default.

FYI it's the EU pushing Apple for RCS interoperability within their Messages, but the bubble colour game will still persist - that game is older than some 3rd graders 😆 are. But that's another discussion. 1715902276025.jpg1715902276052.jpg
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

Just to be clear, I am not trying to convince anyone, to use Google Messages. 

It was deliberate, that I included the link showing that Google is incorporating something from Samsung Messages.

I don't know if you or anyone else is looking for an opinion, but if you or anyone else is, I do think that Google Messages will prevail & replace Samsung's Messaging app entirely.. 

That is not I bias, it's just what I think.. if anyone cares.

I happen to use Google Messages myself, and I remember at one point, not all Carriers supported RCS with Samsung Messages.. I don't know if it's still the case, and I don't care.. 

I have Samsung devices for a reason, and they are the only Android device that I would purchase.. Is Samsung perfect, of course not, but for my purposes, I currently think that they have the best hardware. 

Active Level 8
Galaxy S

I fully agree on Samsung hardware, and I'll also state that beyond their hardware for cellphones, tablets, smart watches, projectors and home appliances are second to none.

I'm greatful for the Google + Samsung partnership and collaborations. It took me a while to see what my GF was so right about with Samsung for me to see & discover issues with Apple + iOS which came to light when not having a computer for 3mths where Dex and the entire AndroidOS shined.

No company, hardware or software is perfect, but Android & Samsung have come so far and above everything else I've used in the past (especially early Android/Samsung combo).

At least we have choices and I've enjoyed this discussion, thank you.
